










過服大量羊肉導致水泄或拉肚子, (註:食用過多羊肉,一兩個鐘頭之後作用才會達到頂點,此時若口渴難耐,不宜立即大量喝冷飲解渴,以免拉肚子。需徐徐啜口,潤濕不渴即止)不必恐慌,正是拉出(正確應該說逼出)肚子裡陰寒之穢物(不該吃的陰寒冷物,腹內發冷殘陽無法承受之物),拉完之後你的體力與精神仍是旺盛而非疲弱的!羊肉之效用,會有你意想不到的效果!羊肉男女皆適用;只有孕婦須忌用或少量謹慎服食,否則引發拉肚子,有可能導致流產!不可不知;不可不注意!害怕者請遠離本網站,遠離本人之邪論!



Be careful! For those who do not believe my statements! If you don’t believe me at all, just leave, and I will not respond any questions about how to cure the health problems of masturbation! If you’d like, you could think that my goal is just to promote lamb! But anyhow, it will bring you the effects you’ll never imagine! I hereby swear by heaven!


I hereby sincerely announce to my dearest friends online: I don’t have any medical licenses at all, and I am practicing as a charlatan to cure anyone. The advices and methods provided by this blog are purely my own viewpoints. Please don’t believe it absolutely; or ask genuine exports before you follow them. If there’s any delay treatments or legal problems due to your following the instructions here, you should take the responsibility by yourself! Do keep in mind! Please be informed and careful!

The obvious marks of teeth shape on the edges of your tongue are caused by the masturbation!” No one dares to make such brave claim before me. I posted several photos of such “tongue conditions” as well so you could have an idea what it looks like. If you are interested, you could google online by copying and pasting the Chinese “舌象” or “舌診” to find more such pictures. However, none of those websites dares to claim that such tongue conditions are caused by masturbation.

The linkages below also show the tongue conditions due to the masturbation. It didn’t look like this before you did masturbation long time ago. Though you’ll never have a chance to look at your healthy tongue condition long long ago (maybe you happen to have some pictures? Find them!), you could still look at the tongues of those kids or youngsters without doing masturbation at all. (In Laotsu, the ancient Chinese book, Laotsu said that the babies’ “chi” of kidney is so strong that their penises erect frequently without any stimulations.) Their tongues are no way such terrible and yours cannot be restored by any means! (By any means I mean by Western Medicine, or by Chinese Medicine, by acupuncture, by meditation, or by Kongfu, etc.!) This implies: the harm of the masturbation is FOREVER

(1) Tongues due to deficiency of vital energy. http://www.wenxian.sdutcm.edu.cn/wx/monthsperiod/san/1/1.8.htm

(2) Tongues with teeth marks. http://www.tsjiankang.com/she/shewen/20060426199.html

(3) http://pigazine.mysinablog.com/index.php?op=Default&Date=200704

(4) Tongues due to much water and little “chi”. http://mejiroacu.blog79.fc2.com/blog-entry-126.html

(5) Tongues with teeth marks. http://www.100md.com/html/DirDu/2005/08/19/70/96/91.htm

(6) Tongues with teeth marks. http://www.39kf.com/cooperate/book/05/63/2006-01-16-167109.shtml

(7) Tongues with light color. http://www.kitazono.jp/benkyo/tongue.htm

(8) Tongues due to deficiency of vital energy. http://www.iwata-tenjindou.co.jp/sita.htm

(9) Tongues with teeth marks. http://www.med66.com/html/2006/2/wa77851265802260028022.html

(10) Tongues due to overwork. http://koni02.tuzikaze.com/ton1.html

The prescriptions listed on the linked websites are NOT instructed and recommended by me. Please don’t be confused. I just want you to look at those pictures!

Your tongue must be one of these if you are hurt by the masturbation. Your quack doctors or charlatans might tell you that it is because you are lack of “kidney water” or “kidney essence” or got hurt in kidney, (note: in Chinese Medicine system, doctors believe that “Kidney Meridian” has a lot to do with the urogenital system) or you got neurasthenia.  Based on the comments on the websites above, it is obvious that they’ve made serious mistakes in diagnosing your situations and might hurt severely your health! You could even collect or keep all those relevant documents and data as the evidence of inappropriate treatments to sue those medical personnel or institutes for huge indemnification and your invaluable dignity! What government or public institutes should be responsible to the investigation of medical errors?


 When those famous doctors and even great masters claim in their books and publications that the masturbation is harmless, how could you expect that they would cure you using the correct prescriptions? Never mention those quack doctors! If they are really capable to cure the sequel (the problems and symptoms caused by the masturbation) of masturbation, doctors must have known how harmful masturbation is to human beings’ health and developed sound theories and practices to deal with it. Given their morality as being doctors, they are supposed to tell the entire world the harm of the masturbation. But why isn’t there a specific doctor appealing that the masturbation is horrible and will destroy your whole life? Is that the case that they keep silence on purpose so that the masturbation could be widely spread and they could earn more money taking advantage of this kind of situation? No wonder some friends here sighed, “the number of visits of this blog would be zero if seeing doctors helps!”

The masturbation has changed your tongue condition forever. Those western and Chinese doctors, exports, and scholars who claim “the masturbation is harmless” have also misled the public seriously so that the health of many people is badly harmed and never recoverable. How should they be punished? If now you still just want to ask, “how to quit the masturbation?” without making your determination to quit it immediately, your tongue will look extremely terrible and scary like one in those photos SOON! Because of your weary and withered body, pretty girls on the rapid transit train would rather stand and keep away from you even though the seat next to you is empty!

“Lamb” in Chinese sounds the same as “the sun,” which implies masculine or positive. Ancient Chinese were really geniuses! People with the property of cold, feminine, and negative could eat lamb without any concerns. People who often do the masturbation usually have this kind of body of cold property. Since the masculine “positive chi” (inner-vigor) is worn by the masturbation, the feminine “negative chi” dominates the whole body and makes your hands and feet cold. Lamb can exactly eliminate the coldness in your body and enhance the “positive chi”! The “positive chi”, which is also called “the kidney chi” in Chinese medicine, is the source of the power of the body immunity! Your cold penis and cold uterus need this “positive chi” urgently to warm themselves! Eating lamb is way better than taking wrong medicine! Remember, you should pure eat lamb without adding any Chinese herbs! You could also find the detailed description and explanations of the effects of lamb in the famous book “Compendium of Materia Medica” (Ben-Tsao-Gang-Mu in Chinese) written by Li Shih-Jen (李時珍; 1518-1593A.D.). However, the prescription of “lamb soup with the roots of Chinese angelica” is a wrong combination, since the roots would reduce the effects of lamb to enhance your “positive chi.” The roots are added to prevent the body from being too hot (namely too much “positive chi”), but how a body which is hart by the masturbation and afraid of coldness could be “too hot”? So just enjoy your lamb meal!

The effects of lamb are much more superior to those of prescriptions given by quack doctors. A dish of delicious BBQ lamb or sautéed lamb slice with green onion is also more effective in warming and improving your body condition than those expensive Chinese medicine prescriptions which contain precious and scarce Chinese herbs. My statements here have infuriated those quack doctors and charlatans because with my arguments, they can barely survive! Therefore they cooperate to attack my blog and brazenly respond to questions raised by people online about eating the lamb. The debate of whether the lamb can improve temporarily the weak body condition hurt by the masturbation or not can be easily tested and solved by simply doing the experiment of eating it! My arguments about eating the lamb is based on the pure theory and methodology of Chinese Medicine and the ultimate prescription to heal the problems due to the masturbation I plan to announce in the near future is also using a hundred percent Chinese herbs, which you could “not” easily purchase other than in “ordinary” Chinese herb shops. The way to heal the hurt of the masturbation cannot be found in the literature of Chinese Medicine after the master Chang Jing-Yue (張景岳; 1563-1640A.D.). I used to say “Chinese Medicine is dead!” It simply means that nowadays without those Chinese Medicine quack doctors, the numbers of victims of the masturbation would not be so numerous! It is really sad that these fake Chinese Medicine doctors attack my “lamb theory” and the “theory of Yin-Yang (Negative-Positive)” in the traditional Chinese Medicine!

Eating lamb beyond the limit would cause diarrhea. (Note: The effects of eating too much lamb will reach it’s highest peak in one or two hours. If you feel very thirsty and cannot stand it, don’t drink a lot of cold water immediately lest you should get diarrhea. You should instead drink very slowly and stop once you feel not thirsty.) Don’t be panic! It is excreting those cold and dirty stuff (those you are not supposed to eat which make your body cold and your remaining inner-vigor cannot survive with) out of your body that makes you feel vigorous again! After the excretion, you should be vigorous instead of weak! The effects of lamb will definitely beyond your imagination! Though lamb is suitable for both men and women, it should be noted that the pregnant should either not to eat it or eat just a little; otherwise it might cause diarrhea and even miscarriage! Please be very careful about this! If you are scared or do not believe me at all, please close this window now and leave my message alone

Your guess is right! Eating lamb often is not an ultimate way to solve the problems of masturbation! But please be patient, I will definitely play my trump card eventually! And beyond that, don’t think that I just have such a few lame cards like quitting masturbation, eating lamb, exercise of lifting the anus, keeping a distance from depression! Except that I could not let your lost hair reborn, let your worsen tongue and pulse conditions restored, and so on and so forth (this implies that you should take medicine for your whole life), otherwise I will make you forget forever the terrifying terms like “impotence,,” “prospermia,” “spermatorrhea,” etc. Even though you thought that your situation is the worst in the world, I bet you could stand still and be proud of yourself! Please don’t be disappointed and live with dignity! The methods I’ve shown here so far will find you a brand new way for your life and help you rebuild your future. However, before the day of my announcement of the ultimate prescription, please, please, I do urge you help me promote to destroy the theory of “masturbation is harmless” via the powerful internet so that more people could stop making mistakes! More coming generations wouldn’t make mistakes; more of our children will never walk on the wrong way we’ve used to walk on. For this way, once you walk on it, you’ll regret for sure forever but there’s no way back! THIS IS EXACTLY MY YRUE PURPOSE! And this is the reason why we met here in the internet! Please , my dear capable friends, please post my messages everywhere, make linkages to my blog as many as you can! (Indicate the source and author please.)

(The End)








    那位123的言論我雖對第二篇的通靈人士說法感到不予認同,但是他第一篇的發言是可取的,至少他提出的幾項說法對身體回復原氣是對所有人皆有所助益的,因為你自視甚高,對他人的言論不予認同就刪文打為邪魔歪道且扭曲他的原意,我沒見他說食素可助長陽氣,你的心態不正其心可異。勸你要反思自己的所有言行是否合理?最後再 問你一次,你究竟最後的目的是什麼?該不會是要教導大家採陰補陽的邪法吧?不然為什麼那麼厭惡中醫聲稱中醫已死?食療方面你也不懂裝懂,氣功方面也是附和他人,123提出的方法之一穴道按摩湧泉穴可以讓人身體改善你也不認同,反倒是男女交合無害你讚同,我推想你該不會是要教大家這種採陰補陽的邪法,先讓自己的部落格人氣滿分作為大家認同你言論的號召吧?』


『底下那位小姐,我知道妳是一片好心,我也認同妳的說法,因為我有朋友也有類似狀況發生。可能是我朋友開過刀還是體質的關係,每次吃羊肉就會皮膚起紅疹(我親眼目睹),開刀處會痛個幾天,為什麼會如此我也不知道,但他曾給中醫師把脈,中醫師曾告戒他的身體上火的食物不能吃,羊肉即是其中一例,我想中醫師會這麼說一定有其原因吧。人體體質不同,能吃的食物也不盡相同,尤其是一些較熱或較冷的食物,不要把每個人的體質都想的一模一樣好嗎?上天有好生之德,你的文章下這種標題,還請上天明鑑,我看上天反倒會發怒吧,人都是病急亂投醫的,若是這裡有很多人看了你的文章而決定每日吃羊肉,試想有多少生命因你之嘴而亡。我雖然也很愛吃肉不慈悲,但看見你這種字眼也很不欣賞,沒有五十歲人該有的穩重,我奉勸那些有病的人還是看醫生較實在。手淫之害在一些戒淫的網站都看的到,寫的還比這裡科學易明瞭,並不是全天下只有版主你才反對手淫......................................阿宏,我覺得有可能變胖喔。因為我當兵時服憲兵役,單位苦人手不足,每日最少站八小時的哨,下哨還要跑演習操體能,部隊吃的也不好,作息更是不正常,沒有一天是一覺到天亮的,而且人手不足都積假,有一次待在部隊一個多月才放三天假,但是就是因為苦身體和精神都很疲備,所以完全不會想手淫,但在這種情況下我竟然胖了,因為我未當兵前也有手淫的習慣。但當兵時完全沒手淫,又操體能,結果吃的沒家裡好,作息又不正常的情況下我退伍時的體重竟比未當兵前胖了六公斤,家人完全看不出來,因為我那是肌肉和發胖不同比較難看出來,而且面色也不錯,我想可能是沒手淫又操體能運動的關係吧,你可以配合運動應該會有不錯的效果吧。 』


少吃生冷寒涼或蔬果! 蔬果也不行?

聽了你的忠告, 多吃羊肉, 手腳不再冰冷, 甚至早上有勃起,面色乜好了

為何羊肉如此神奇????? 真的多謝你的建議




昆吾劍你好, 很高興能見到你這個部落格. 我十四歲要升國二的那個暑假, 因為和鄰居借了一本連載漫畫, 雖然內容以暴力為主, 但是它的女角色再某一篇章畫的相當養眼, 我當時手去搓揉了陰莖幾下(那是很自然地, 很下意識地去碰, 從來沒有人教過我如何自慰), 後來就噴了一大堆液體在褲子裡, 當時雖然覺得莫名其妙卻也帶有一陣很特別的前所未有的快感. 從那時起我就持續手淫無法自拔. 一直到前兩個禮拜六, 也就是一月十三日才有幸見到這.

後來我從一月十四日開始停止自慰, 並且照你所說的多吃羊肉和多做提肛運動來試試看. 因為我大學的時候就有你所講的心悸恐慌, 畏寒怕冷, 少氣懶言, 手腳冰冷(這一項讓我感到最嚴重), 記憶力減退, 腰痠腿軟. 雖然我大學時有在踢七人制足球, 可是我有時候身體有時會感到一種"虛"的感覺. 但也有可能因為我有在做足球這種激烈運動所以讓我的脫髮情形很不嚴重, 而且我的頭髮很黑.

我在停止自慰並吃羊肉和作提肛運動後之後, 在溫度適應上我感到非常奇妙. 我最近才剛下部隊, 所在的單位是在高山上, 又濕又冷風又透, 如果是我大學時候的身體, 會一直覺得很冷, 而且那種冷是全身性的, 連內臟(尤其腎臟)都會感覺到. 從一月十五日我就察覺到, 雖然氣溫很低, 可是我會感到冷的地方只有皮膚表面, 在室外一陣子以後, 我發現我的皮膚是燙的! 冷風吹來我卻沒有太多畏寒的感覺, 那讓我想起小學的時候和弟弟在冬天在屋外跑來跑去玩耍, 只要衣服穿夠, 就一點都不怕冷的情景. 難怪台灣人講:"囝仔人屁股三把火." (筆者註:『囝仔人屁股三把火』正足以說明先人的生活體會與智慧,『囝仔人』的真陽是旺盛的!沒有手淫之前你我的真陽正應該是如此『屁股三把火』!這現象,這事實何需科學證據?)

不過現在我後悔也沒用了. 亡羊補牢, 為時不晚. 我現在要用積極的心去面對未來, 除了把身體調養好, 還要把這裡的訊息和知識帶給其他人. 感謝昆吾劍版主.

本草綱目    http://www.duosuccess.com/BZGM/001a04080101.htm

這個網頁特別有寫到: "現代中醫院中藥房一般只有草、木、蟲、金石部而已,同樣位列這本中醫藥典之上的食物並未被使用和繼承,盡管這些食物都是上品的中藥、無毒無害、珍貴無比!" (第二段第二行)

羊    http://www.duosuccess.com/BZGM/y047.htm



好的言論還是 需要透過一些包裝
建議版大可以將自介圖片換掉  換成其他較有現代冷靜理智感的圖片背景

昆吾劍2008/01/26 13:19回覆






2008/01/26 15:12 回應










幫版大打氣~~~推推推推    承蒙 前面幾位仁兄的話  看醫生有用的話就不用來這裡了     所以小弟絕對支持版大的手淫毀滅論      那些繼續傳播不當知識的人 在下給個小建議   回去手淫吧  然後再用自己所謂的"方法"治療    那就是會令我們信服的最好方法










昆吾劍2008/01/27 14:42回覆









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